Morning Engagement Session at Glamis/ Imperial Sand Dunes - Jeanette & Thomas


A not so long time ago in a galaxy 3 hours away… I had the privilege of shooting Jeanette and Thomas’s engagement at Glamis Sand Dunes.

Fun fact: Part of Star Wars Return of the Jedi was filmed in Glamis/ Imperial Sand Dunes

As someone who will choose sunrise hikes 9/10 times even I struggled waking up at the 3am for this shoot. The morning haze along with sleep still glossed over my eyes, my partner and I gathered my supplies and headed out into to the stillness of the night. My partner was kind enough to drive us there allowing me to get some extra shuteye before the shoot which was very much appreciated and needed haha. Finally arriving in Brawley, I met up with my couple and went over formalities and had a light breakfast before zooming to the sand dunes.

On the drive there we were greeted by a beautiful twilight beckoning the arrival of the sun. The sand dunes were a spectacle with amazing contrast thanks to daybreak. The couple who have never had the opportunity to play in the sand dunes before were just as excited as I was to venture out into the sand. High spirits and positive vibes were a good sign of a fun filled morning. Thomas taking the lead and helping Jeanette to get into her comfort zone was a huge help. Their chemistry was a pleasure to experience through the lens, the vast blank canvas of the dunes painted with their footsteps and filled by their laughter and love. Sounds of dune buggies and dirt bikes echoed throughout the morning keeping us on our toes and giving us a sight to see (not to mention hints of envy as we trekked through the sand by foot lol). Being friends, I had a fear that it would prevent Jeanette and Thomas from being expressive and loving, glad to know that fear was unnecessary. They had each other laughing and play fighting throughout the shoot.

What to expect on your engagement shoot at Glamis/Imperial Sand Dunes:

Permit: Only during the months of October 1 - April 15. Expect to pay an entrance fee of $35 per vehicle (with shipping, expect it to cost roughly $50). You can buy these online here.

Weather: Completely dependent on the season. I recommend having sessions when temperatures are between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit, this usually means around the months of October - May. Keep in mind that you can experience extreme weather variations in the desert, this means nights can be extremely cold and the days to be hot.

What to bring: Water. water. water. Staying hydrated in the desert will ensure that you’re comfortable during your session. Since you typically won’t find a lot of shade in the dunes wearing sunscreen is also a must.

Best time to plan for your session: I always recommend sunrise or sunset since temperatures can get uncomfortable during the day. The optimal lighting for photos happens at these times as well and my personal favorite photos occur when light is at its softest.


The Gear, Equipment, and Software I use for Adventure Elopements, Intimate Weddings, and Adventure Couple Sessions (as a petite woman)


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