Filipino Wedding at Building 177 - San Diego, CA


Venue: Building 177

Second Shooting for: Tiffany Le Visuals

I don’t know about you all but second shooting for such amazing photographers is such an intimidating yet gratifying experience. Tiffany reached out to me to see if I was available as a second shooter for a wedding located in Building 177 in Liberty Station, Point Loma, CA and I immediately said yes! As excited as I was, I was equally as nervous. What if she didn’t like me? What if I didn’t live up to her expectations? All these thoughts rolled around in my head until the day of.

Little did I know, that day was incredibly fun! My primary role for this day was to take care of the groom and groomsmen so I saw Tiffany very little throughout the first part of the day as she took care of the bridal party at a different location. When I did interact with her, she was incredibly warm, open, and easy to talk to! Asking questions didn’t feel intimidating and I was even able to pick up a few skills with my flash!

So if you ever come across this blog, Tiffany, I just want to say thank you for allowing me to follow you around and learning from you that day! Please go follow her on instagram, her work is absolutely beautiful and inspirational!

Enjoy some of the images I was able to capture from my day with Tiffany, I will definitely never forget this one!


Sunrise Laguna Beach, California Bridals - Chloe & David